Lily Hsueh
Associate Professor, Arizona State University
Lily Hsueh is an Associate Professor (with tenure) at the School of Public Affairs, Arizona State University. Dr. Hsueh is also a Visiting Scholar at the Woods Institute for the Environment, Doerr School of Sustainability, Stanford University. She is an affiliate professor of the ASU Center for Environmental Economics and Sustainability Policy.
Trained as an economist and public policy scholar, her research bridges the fields of economics, public policy, and management to investigate how the environment and the global commons are managed and the ways in which behaviors of firms and organizations are shaped by multiple forces from markets to government policies. She brings a multi-methodological approach to this agenda, combining diverse tools in order to leverage new data and empirics for causal inference and to explore causal mechanisms, including applied econometrics, quasi-experimental methods, survey-based techniques, systematic interviews, mixed methods, among others.
Outlets for her peer-reviewed research have included Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists; Governance; Journal of Regulatory Economics; Marine Policy, Business Strategy and the Environment; Journal of Environmental Management; Environmental Science & Policy; Regulation & Governance, among others.
This work has been featured in major news outlets, including the Financial Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Fortune, PBS News Hour.
In 2020-21, she was awarded an American Fellowship by the American Association of University Women.
Dr. Hsueh's forthcoming MIT Press book is title, Corporations at Climate Crossroads. Read about it here.
She is a Principal Investigator or Co-PI for research that has been funded by the National Research Council, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation, and ASU President's Strategic Initiative Research Fund.
She currently serves on the editoral board of PLOS Climate, an open source, open science journal that is committed to global inclusivity and interdisicplinary collaborations.
She is a two-time receipient of the Distinguished Teaching Award at the ASU School of Public Affairs, in 2016-17 and 2021-22, and the 2023 Professor of Impact award (a student-initiated award).
Prior to joining ASU, she was a National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow at NOAA. Before academia, she worked as a Senior Analyst at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco where she authored the SF Fed's Beige Book and was part of the team that prepared policy briefings for the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meetings.
She earned her bachelor's degree in economics (with honors) from the University of California, Berkeley, a master's degree in economics (with distinctions) from University College London, and a Ph.D. in Public Policy and Management from the University of Washington.